How it all began . . .

The idea of adopting a child has long been a spiritual calling for us. We always knew in our hearts that when the time was right we would begin our adoption journey. Never could we imagine that it would be this miraculous.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Laughter is wonderful

I have just laughed so stinking hard I nearly fell off my chair!!!! I posted on (the adoption board that has been my Godsend of sanity) what the exact steps were now that we are OUT of PGN and dear Ana (one of the most spiritual, comical and sweetest people on earth) posted this:


1 Final Adoption Decree or Protocolo (BM signs off for the last time) -- during this time, you are still suffering from PGN stalking withdrawl and don't know what to do with yourself

2 Adoption Registered in Civil Registry - result is amended BC -- can't believe this has finally happened; you start shopping even more.

3 GUATEMALAN PASSPORT is then issued (same day) -- Time for celebration; How about some celebrating meals... Yes, not one but many MEALS.

4 DNA auth requested -- Reality starts to set in. Adrenaline starts to pump through your body.

5 DNA done -- Start to freak out and wonder, "Laura who?" (Laura is the receptionist at PGN) and Reality takes root. You have your suitcase packed and repacked, and packed again

6 PINK -- After you or someone you love has pulled up your limp body from the floor as you most certainly have lost consciousness, you hurredly begin really packing and making travel arrangements.

For those of you who know me, I needed to know what steps to obsess over now. Thank you Ana (Mom in waiting for Alberto who will be coming home in just a couple of weeks.)

1 comment:

veggiemom said...

That is too funny and so true!
Kerri and Ruby