How it all began . . .

The idea of adopting a child has long been a spiritual calling for us. We always knew in our hearts that when the time was right we would begin our adoption journey. Never could we imagine that it would be this miraculous.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Some pics of my trip and another step down!

Very belated but here are a few pictures from my trip last month. Lisa and Steve forwarded them to me via email and I wanted to share.

Gosh! Isn't he adorable?

The best part of looking at these pictures is that I was actually WITH him when they were taken!

Just got confirmation from our agency that 2nd DNA test was conducted today. Now, we wait about 7 days for the sample to go the lab, be tested, and then sent back to the USEmbassy. We are crossing our fingers that we should get our PINK slip (the appt. date and time for us to go get Anthony) by next Friday (February 8th). If I were to guess, I am thinking that our pick-up trip will be the 3rd week of February (18th or so). Just an educated guess right now though.


Anonymous said...

We are getting there! I want to thank everyone who has encouraged us and helped us in so many ways.


Gen and Chris said...

Hi, Congratulations! I just happened upon your blog. We are also in RI and working with Maryann and Eric. We just received our PGN approval for our little girl Tilly. I would love to connect.
My email is

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone - Just saw the pictures today - I wish I could say he's the spittin' image of his aunt - but oh well. He's so gorgeous - just like my Max. I can't wait to give him a huge hug. I'm so happy I could --- my pants!!!! I'm just counting down now for you. Yeppi