How it all began . . .

The idea of adopting a child has long been a spiritual calling for us. We always knew in our hearts that when the time was right we would begin our adoption journey. Never could we imagine that it would be this miraculous.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Just checking in . . .

I figured that it was time that I got off the "pity potty" for myself and swing back into action. A great deal of this renewed energy is coming from the fact that we attended a new church this morning. What a wonderful and rejuvenating experience for ALL of us. The girls loved it, we loved it and I cannot begin to tell you how welcomed we were. As many of you already know, this has been a long and difficult road for us to finally find a church that we can call "home".
So what does this have to do with the adoption? --- More than I could ever articulate.

On another note, the nursery is coming together! Starting to look very put-together. I think for now we will stop. We will wait to get out of PGN before we put the final touches. For now, the new drum set will stay planted in the middle of the room as John and the girls take turns hogging the drum time. (Thanks to Uncle Jimmy who graciously gifted and surprised us with his first drum set)

I am hoping to go to Guatemala on a visit trip in late September/early October. We will see where we are at in the process in early September and then decide. I would be on a plane next week if it weren't for the money. Well, I won't get into that. You all know how I feel about the money part of this wonderful journey. Besides, I said I am now off the pity potty and staying positive.

In closing, we celebrated AJ's 4 month birthday on the 27th with a yummy cake. We made a promise that every month we would have a cake for him until he comes home. We are praying that we will only be eating 3 more cakes.


GDS said...

Drum set?!?! Is that what I have to look forward to?

Great news about the worship experience and nursery. As you suggest, those ARE progress in regards to adopting little Anthony.

It would be great if you are able to visit, but don't be too upset if it does not work out.

I love the cake idea too. Hmmm, you're really making me think about some other ideas for our household too. The monthly cake sounds quieter than drums though.

kathy Martin said...

What a great idea to bake a cake on your little one's monthly birthdays! Anthony is so adorable! I hope you hear news soon that things are moving forward!!