How it all began . . .

The idea of adopting a child has long been a spiritual calling for us. We always knew in our hearts that when the time was right we would begin our adoption journey. Never could we imagine that it would be this miraculous.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I swore I would not be like this . . .

Okay, so at the very beginning I figured that I had the girls to keep me busy, the house to rearrange, the business to attend to, etc. I was not going to get all emotional and become impatient. I was going to let God do His work and just sit tight while the wheels were in motion - HMMMMMM. . . Well, I would like to say that I still feel this way. But... No. I am just like every other adoptive Mom waiting - I get a lump in my throught when I see a little baby boy, I am obsessively checking my emails and answering machine, and I have the most vivid dreams about being out of control, and on an on the symptoms go.
So, for today (and today only because I vow to get right back on the patience bandwagon tomorrow morning) - I AM SICK OF WAITING!!! I WANT MY SON HOME!!! I NEED SOMETHING GOOD TO HAPPEN TO PROVE THAT THE WHEELS ARE WORKING TO GET HIM HOME!!!
There. I feel a little better now. Thanks for listening.


Anonymous said...

Oh Honey

Hang in there!. As you know, when the time is right he will come to us!.

You have been doing great and of course the time is getting long.

I know pictures are coming soon.
Let me know when they come in.

I love you and I am here anytime you feel like screaming
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Oh Tammy...

I know just what you mean. I think sometimes when we have little temper tantrums and pity parties God hears that and will answer, just out of the need for some peace and quiet. It's worked for me a couple times:)!

In all seriousness, though, we must have faith that He hears us and will answer us even when we're not crying out to Him! He knows our needs and He will provide! It might not always be the answer or timing we want but He DOES know. And He is lifting us up, carrying us through this difficult time. Just rest your head on His shoulder and allow Him to do all the work and to bear the burden of waiting!

God bless you and be with you AND your family!

Peace and Prayers,